Clarifying misconception of Qaza-e-Umree prayer on last friday of ramadan & easy method of returning missed salah
Contents of Article:
1) Clarification of misconception in regards to specific prayer on last Friday of Ramadan (Jumma tul Vida)
When a salah is not performed in time, the one who missed the salah gets sin for two things
1) For missing/neglecting the salah and
2) For dealy in performing salah i,e not praying fard/wajib prayers in its specified times.
By returning prayer (i,e making Qada) sin for missed salah is pardoned but sin for the delay remains as the qaza is made only after its due time and the person is sitll accountable for delay despite of returning Qaza.
In order to get forgiveness due to dealy, Ulema & Aulia have indicated the following ways hoping mercy of Allah.
i) Supplicating to Allah subhanahuwatala for his mercy and blessings.
[Durre Mukhtar, vol-2,kitab us salah, baab Qaza ul fawayet - pg 626]
ii) Haj-e-Maqbool (Since Haj e Maqbool erases all the past sins) [ibid]
iii) Specific prayer on last friday of ramadan compensating for kaffara due to delay
[Syed sha fazil biabani, Panj Gunj chapter 5.4 pg 209, Ahmed yaar khan - Islami Zindegi - page 105] ]
There exists a misconception/misunderstanding among few that by praying specific prayer on last Friday of ramadan they will be relieved from both Qaza and Kaffara, which is incorrect. The correct condition is by performing this additional prayer only the kaffara for not praying the salah on its specified time will be compensated, where as the Qaza of missed salah still needs to be performed (Qaza is wajib-ul-iyada and returning of salah is must) and the kaffara will not suffice until Qaza is returned or will be returned.
To explain in simple words Qaza is like principal amount/amount we owe to pay where as kaffara is fine for not making payment in time. By paying/getting relaxation on fine one is not relieved from the principal amount, similarly by paying kaffara for salah does not relieve one from performing Qaza, returning of which is must,
2 & 3) From Book of Ulema & Method of Salah on Last Friday of Ramadan:
a) In mawahibul laduniyyah, it states "A misconception that exists amongst some people is that if qaza salah is offered with Jamaat (*or special prayer) on the last Friday of Ramadan, that one salah will compensate for the whole life time of missed salah. There is no truth in this at all* (*Qaza is still to be performed) (Makhooz az sharhuz zarqani alal mawahibulla duniyyah, V7, P110, Darul Marifa Beirtu)
b) Qaza means performing a task after the time period has finished ( Dur-e-Mukhtarr ma raddul muhtaar, V2, P632) and qaza (missed salah in time) is wajibul Iyadah, meaning returning back of all the missed salah (with count) to compensate is must.
c) The renowned Quranic commentator, Hazrat-e-Muti Ahmed Yar Khan Naeemi (ra) says, "On the last Friday of Ramzan, one should perform 12 rakah of salah (with six salam, in order of 2+2+...) between zuhr and asr, reciting ayatul kursi (once), sura Ikhlas (3 times), Sura Falaq and Sura Nas (once each) after surah fatiha in each rakat. The advantage of this is that In-sha-Allah he will be pardoned for the sin of missing the salah that he has compensated for (done qaza of), but this does not mean that he does not have to perform qaza of those salah (Islami Zindagi P105)
d) Panj Ganj under topic"Namaz Kaffare Umree".states, Imam Muhammad Ghazali (ra) states in book "Zaad al Muarrab", if one has missed indefinitive salah, then he is required to perform 4 rakah with one salam before the last friday of ramadan, and in each rakah recite ayatul kursi (once) and surah kauthar (15 times) after surah fatiha. thereby compensating kaffara for past 200 years of missed (Qaza) salah. [Panj Ganj, Chapter 5.4, page 209]
Summary: This specific salah mentioned for last friday of ramadan only compensates the kaffara for not praying on time and the sin of not praying in time is pardoned. As far as the missed salah itself is concerned, it still needs to be returned in form Qaza as explained earlier and evident from above.
4) Method of performing Qaza Salah Quickly:
If someone have missed Salahs in their account. Either one time's or of many years, they must pray their Qaza as soon as possible. Salah is a Fard and not forgiven. Returning back all Qaza prayer is must as mentioned abvoe. On the day of judgement Salah will be the first thing asked about.
For the people who have many years of missed Salahs. There is a way to pray them quickly. Following instructions have four exeptions and has all Fards and Wajibs for a complete Salat. Please pray your Qaza as soon as possible. Even of you could pray one days Qaza Salahs every day which are only 20 rakahs (3 wajib witr), please do it. It only takes few mins to perform 20 rakahs according to the following instructions.
i) In Ruku and Sajdah instead of reciting "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azeem" and "Subhaana Rabbiyal A'la" three times, say it only once. But make sure do not leave Ruku poster untill the Meem (M) of Azeem has been said properly. Similarly do not leave the posture of Sajdah until Ala has been said completely. Just make sure to say these Tasbeehaat properly and do not rush.
ii) In third and four Rakah of Fard Salah instead of reciting the whole Soorah Fatiha say, "Subhan Allah" three times and go to Ruku, . Make sure "Subhan Allah" has been recited three times properly, do not rush. This exeption is only for Fard. In third rakah of Witr it's a must to recite full Soorah Fatiha followed by at least three ayahs of Quran or a soorah (as we usually do in first and second rakah).
iii) In last Qaidah (when we sit for Attahyyat) before Salam, after Attahyyat instead of full Durood and Dua just say, "Allah Humma Salle Ala Sayedena Mohammad Wa Aalihi", then finish the Salat with Salam. Dua is not a must here.
iv) In Witr, instead of full Dua-e-Qunoot just say "Rabbigh Fir Lee" one or three times.(Fatawa Rizvia, Part 3, Page 622)
May Allah forgive our sins, lapse and guide us to perform Salah in their specified times and accept our prayers for sake of Sayyiduna Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
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