Saturday 27 January 2018

About Us


AMWO Islamic centers have been established in Telangana,Karnataka, Delhi, AndhraPerdesh. It was purely organizational. He along with his delegations visited holy shrines in Delhi, Ajmeer Sharif, Warangal, Bider, and other places. He addressed hundreds of thousands of people in Deccan Hyderabad.
Upon the requests of the Karnataka Muslims, he visited Karnataka in September-October 2004. This visit broke all previous records of gatherings of Al Mohiuddin Welfare Org. He was given red carpet welcome in Delhi and Deccan Hyderabad. He visited many holy shrines and addressed hundreds of thousands of people.
He visited India in February-March 2012; it was a month-long tour. He launched his famous Speech on Terrorism and Suicide Bombing and addressed mammoth public gatherings in prominent cities. Hundred of thousands of people turned up to listen to his speeches. His audience in Warangal was unprecedented. The subjects he spoke on during this tour included concept of intermediation in Islam, Principles of Hadith, Terrorism is alien to Islam, Enmity with Friends of Allah an open war against Allah Almighty, Islam forms a multi-faith, cosmopolitan society and several other topics. Wherever he went, people came out in millions to see his glimpse. It was a heavy downpour when audience in millions remained spell bound and did not even move.